Prices for private tantric massage training for couples

Procedure for tantric massage therapy for couples

In my massage room, everything starts as soon as you arrive. We exchange kind words, I explain my method and what you can expect. We discuss your physical, mental and emotional state, forging a deep connection.

Next, I guide you to the massage room, a calm oasis of bohemian chic. Candlelight creates a warm ambience, carefully chosen fragrances fill the air and soft music envelops us.

Before we begin, a spiritual ritual: I use palo santo incense or sage to purify the space and our spirits, creating a sacred experience.

While I prepare myself, I invite you to prepare yourself too, in the privacy of the moment. Then you lie down on a comfortable mattress, ready to relax completely. This is where the magic happens, my hands releasing tension, awakening your senses and rekindling your vital energy.

Prices for tantric massage training for couples in groups

We would like to inform you that prices for group courses cannot yet be quoted, as they will depend on the location and country where they take place.

But we do have some exciting news to share with you!

Bali will probably be one of our future destinations, to the delight of us all.

We encourage you to sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest information on training dates and locations as soon as they become available.

This will enable you to stay up to date and plan your participation accordingly.

Thank you for your understanding and your interest in our training courses.


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