Tantric massage courses for couples, in private or in groups

Tantra massage training for couples in private

How do you learn tantric massage as a couple?

  • You love your partner deeply but you don't dare ask for that subtle touch.
  • Sometimes he or she is awkward and you don't know what to say for fear of hurting their feelings or simply out of shyness or modesty.
  • You want to restore the intensity of your relationship.
  • You want to explore a new way of (re)finding yourself.
  • Create truly sensual encounters in symbiosis with giving and receiving.

Having been there and transcended it, I'll take you step-by-step through the basics of tantric massage with gentleness and fluidity.
So that your relationship becomes as intense as your daily complicity.

If you're not familiar with tantric massage therapy and meditation. Here's one of my videos in which I explain my vision and my approach.

This couples initiation is for you if :

  • You love your partner deeply
  • Would you like to learn this massage with the art of subtle tantric touch?
  • You want to overcome certain fears about your sensual encounters
  • You want to learn to love and respect your body
  • You want to give your relationship a new lease of life
  • You want the best for you and your partner
  • You want to dare to communicate your deepest desires easily
  • You only want to learn this massage with your partner

This course is NOT for you if :

    • You don't want to give your relationship a new lease of life or to give it more intensity
    • You prefer to be able to interact with a group

What you will generally learn depending on the formula:

  • The basics of this massage
  • To feel the Energy that is not visible to your eyes through specific exercises
  • Certain energy points linked to life energy (sexual energy)
  • Make your bodies vibrate together and melt into a single pulse
  • The present moment
  • If you wish, I can also teach you certain foot reflexology points for relaxation.
  • Yoni and lingam massage (3-day package only)

Practical info

This massage training course will take place in the place where I practice, near Neufchâteau in Belgium.
If you want me to come to you, the price will be higher.

Training prices: for 2 days 14 hr = 1300 euros
- the basics of the tantric massage I provide
- 2 tantra exercises
- sensuality, the tantric gesture
- full presence
- 1 x 2 hr zoom follow-up after the course to answer any questions you may have
- light meals during the lunch break

Training price for 3 days 21hr = 2000 euros
- the basics of the tantric massage I provide
- 2 tantra exercises
- the aim of this massage
- sensuality, the tantric gesture
- full presence
- self-knowledge
- energetic exercises to realise that energy is present even though it is invisible.
- yoni and lingam massage
- 2 x 2 hr zoom follow-up after the course to answer any questions you may have
- light meals during the lunch break

For the 2 training packages, 2 staggered payments are possible. The course must be paid for 1 month before the course to block the date. In the event of cancellation 1 month in advance, full payment will be refunded. In the event of cancellation 8 days before the course, no refund is possible. Thank you for your understanding

Tantra massage training for couples in group

Learn mutual tantric massage

I offer tantric massage therapy courses for couples in groups on a regular basis and in different locations.
As the number of places is limited, I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter to be kept informed.
leyna tantra couple massage training
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Registration form for tantric massage training for couples

Training reservation request form for couples
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By ticking this box, you accept that the information entered will be used by Leyna-Tantra. This information will remain strictly confidential and is subject to the law in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation on Privacy.
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